How to win big brother naija
- how to win big brother show
- how do you win big brother show
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- big brother show explained
Big brother game theory.
Throughout the history of the Big Brother Seasons the house guests have used a variety of strategies to further themselves in the game bringing them closer to winning the grand prize.
While some house guests openly try and play an honest and fair game, there are also those house guests that will stop at nothing to win including: lying, manipulation, joining secret alliances, intentionally losing competitions, and back door others.
Lying Strategy:
One of the most commonly used strategies within Big Brother is the ability to lie to other house guests.
Some house guests have lied about their life outside of the big brother house in order to disguise their true identity so that the others will under estimate their ability.
How to play big brother
It is also common for the house guests to lie about where their true loyalties lie. It is very difficult to make it very far in the game without telling some type of lie. Some house guests have managed to make it through numerous weeks without having to lie, however, at some point they are often faced with the decision of whether it better to lie in order to a
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