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    Complete Clothing Company

    About Us

    Complete Clothing Company, owned by Kath Finan who specialises in organising a fashion show with a difference. Raise money for a special project, a charity, or bring your family, friends and neighbours together?

    ​You provide the venue at the local school, the church, the cricket club, a community centre or ask for the use of a large room for the event.

    We ask ladies to walk the catwalk and become Complete Clothing Company stars for the night.

    Kath and her team will be there to make sure your models select the best designs from this seasons trends, complemented by an extensive range of accessories.

    Fashion shows london

    You will see a fantastic range of ladies clothes to fit all sizes and age groups. We will have you updating your wardrobe in no time. You can have a ladies event or add children’s wear to the event. Let us know what you want and we will do our best to make it happen.

    Get in Touch

    Something Different

    Featuring the seasons “high street” fashion, we bring along a mix of top quality chain store clothing and branded labels together with a

      how to organize a fashion show fundraiser
      fashion fundraising