Cognos chart show values

        1. Cognos chart show values
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 › support › pages › how-show-values-bar-chart-cognos-rep..

          Show Values in Bar Chart

          previoustoolboxuser (previous_toolbox_user) 1

          Hello, I am using the Cognos 10 chart engine and wanted to convert a cognos 8 chart to cognos 10 chart.

          In the old cognos chart engine I could show the values WITHIN the bars. In C10 the value of the default measure is place over the bars. Is there any way to show the values in the middle of the bars in C10? Thanks a lot for your help, Olekova

          previoustoolboxuser (previous_toolbox_user) 2

          Thanks Manish.

          Other than the various new options to modify the Cognos10 non legacy chart as compared to legacy chart.

          In the Properties pane, under Chart Labels, double-click the Show Values property.

        3. In the Properties pane, under Chart Labels, double-click the Show Values property.
        4. Select the visualization.
        5. › support › pages › how-show-values-bar-chart-cognos-rep.
        6. ›.
        7. Click the funnel on the top right of the Visualization Gallery and select charts, then choose a pie.
        8. Do you see any other drawback in using the legacy chart over the non legacy charts ?


          spiceuser-oea63as6 (spiceuser-oea63as6) 3


          Cognos 10 non legacy charts does not have the functionality to show values inside the charts.

          You need to change the chart options first.

          Open report studio - > Tool - > Options - > Advanced
          Check “Use legacy chart authoring”. Press OK.
          Now, drag the chart, select Bar chart. Drag your category and measure (in series). Click series now, in