Show off meaning in hindi
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show off
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As a child, he would sometimes talk to this star, but only when he was his most serious, real self, and not being any sort of a show-off or clown.
From Literature
What for other dancers might be show-off steps are integrated into a poetic vision, a different way of being.
From New York Times
As a child she loved to perform — she recalled herself as “a shameful show-off” — but she never considered an acting career.
From Washington Times
“It’s a little bit of a show-off song, but people also like to sing along to the chorus because it’s very simple,” she said.
From Los Angeles Times
"In his early days, I accept, he showboated a lot," said Ferguson, who also described the young Ronaldo as "a wee show-off desperate to convince everyone how good he was".
From BBC
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.
- opposite of display none