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The 20 Best Nerdy TV Characters of All Time, Ranked
In the world of television, geeks are often portraited in a negative light. They're made fun of, beaten up by bullies, and often treated as less than. But some shows have actually given geeks such prominent roles that they've become legendary.
Here are my picks for the most iconic nerd characters from popular TV shows!
You'll notice most of these shows are sitcoms, but don't let that take away from how awesomely geeky these characters are.
20. Kenneth Parcell in 30 Rock (2006)
He can tell you anything you'd ever want to know about television.
Why? Because he's an absolute fanatic.
Expertly portrayed by Jack McBrayer, Kenneth Parcell is a goody two-shoes if there ever was one.
Nerd shoesHe doesn't like breaking the rules, he always follows orders, and he's a bit too interested in trivial things.
In short, he's a nerd. But he's also often the voice of reason and compassion, making him a lovable nerd at that.
Related: The Best 30 Rock Characters, Ranked (And Their Best Scenes)
Milhouse Van Houten in The Simpsons (1989)
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